We first attempted to enter the Nuba Mountains in 2014, but were shopped short of Sudan’s border at a place called Yida. At the time, Yida was populated by approximately 10,000 Nuban refugees.
We built relationships with the refugees there, and returned to facilitate mobile clinics and offer training for pastors in the camp. We were overjoyed at the ministry we had found in Yida, but we yearned to reach those trapped beyond the Sudanese border, so we prayed for an opportunity to reach the un-reached.

The Middle East is unlike any region in the world. It is where the world’s monotheistic religions and world superpowers come together.
Because of the uniqueness of the Middle East, our approach to ministry there is unlike any of our other fields. It requires depth of relationship and an unparalleled boldness to share the Gospel without hesitation or fear of reprisal.

In the fall of 2018, we took our first team to an undisclosed region of the Middle East with the mission to repair each tattered tent in small Yazidi refugee camp --- a time-sensitive task as the winter storms approached. Thanks to donations from generous ATC partners like YOU, not only did every family receive a new tent, we were also able to provide:
7,000 liters of kerosene to keep the small heaters running through the winter.
At least 3 coats to every family.
Rice, beans, vegetable oil, tea, canned tomatoes and other non-perishables.
The love and hope of the Gospel.
In the fall of 2019, your support allowed us to return to keep our friends warm and well fed through the winter months. In addition to sharing the love and hope of Jesus, the team delivered:
Boots, socks, clothing and a goodie bag of toys, sweets and school supplies to every child
About 5,000 L of kerosene fuel which was distributed among the families
Food relief for every member of the camp and a few families outside of the camp

Beginning in 2018, we have come alongside a group of 30-40 Christians and those seeking to know Jesus. The group meets regularly for Biblical teaching and discipleship in an undisclosed region of the Middle East. We have been able to provide them further discipleship opportunities, leadership training and a place of safety for new Christians to enter into.