We first attempted to enter the Nuba Mountains in 2014, but were shopped short of Sudan’s border at a place called Yida. At the time, Yida was populated by approximately 10,000 Nuban refugees.
We built relationships with the refugees there, and returned to facilitate mobile clinics and offer training for pastors in the camp. We were overjoyed at the ministry we had found in Yida, but we yearned to reach those trapped beyond the Sudanese border, so we prayed for an opportunity to reach the un-reached.
Answering the Call works in an undisclosed region in South Asia where Christians have been the target of extreme persecution. In 2008 and 2009, churches in the area were burned down, the homes of Christians destroyed, and at least 1,500 Christians killed, leaving many children orphaned.
The Bible tells us when, “One part of the body suffers, the whole body suffers.” We at ATC have responded to this silent suffering by building an orphanage, with the help of key partners, to care for children whose parents were martyred.
has his/her own bunk
is served three meals a day
has prayer & discipleship from the staff each night
attends school & is given a uniform and supplies
is given time to play games with one another
The persecution against Christians in Asia is on the rise, although it continues to go largely unnoticed by media sources in the States.
Now more than ever, pray for our brothers and sisters in Asia.
As the House of Love children grow into young men and women, some choose to advance their education outside the area, while others feel called to plant churches and evangelize to the very people who killed their parents and continue to persecute Christians in the area.
Today, we are seeking to create a sustainable source of income so the orphanage may become self-supportive. This process is difficult, as Christians in this area have been locked out of the local economy in the persecution.